Lupin Film is an award-winning, independent production company, encompassing the development and production of feature films, documentaries and TVC.
Founded by Riccardo Neri in 2005, its objective has always been to produce contents for audiences worldwide.
Lupin Film’s “mantra” is to work closely with the creative team right from the beginning of a project’s development, creating moments of culture and entertainment through innovative storytelling.
Based in Rome, it has partnerships in Tirana and New York.
Lupin Film offers its clients all the logistical services required for television and film productions, commercials and photo shoots. Our company optimizes production costs and at the same time guarantees a high quality final product. With highly specialized English/Italian speaking personnel, Lupin Film is able to facilitate and efficiently assist foreign clients with their production projects.
Other services offered include: location research and surveys with specialized location managers, scheduling and budgeting, film stage rental at special prices, equipment rental with highly qualified companies, post-productions services, casting, reduced accommodation rates in Rome and Italy.
Lupin Film also assists its clients in receiving fiscal incentives, tax recovery and management of all legal and bureaucratic aspects relating to the entire production in collaboration with smArt Consulting Group.
Lupin Film is a member of the Association of Italian Executive Producers (APE)
Lupin Film offers a wide photographic library of the most beautiful Italian locations. Pictures can be requested and selected on the basis of the specific Feature Film, TV projects, commercials and photo shoots.
For a more specific photographic selection please contact us via mail at